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The Gentleman's(and not so) Club

Reply 261#261 commando's post

just watched that video! hilarious!!!  And it is people like those that make me ashamed to say that I am American!  I lived in Israel for a year and when people found out I was American they automatically judged me purely based on when I came from!

I did think it was hilarious when the man put the pin for North Korea in Australia just because that is what it was labeled then said he never realized how much bigger N Korea was to S Korea ahahah  It really bothers me how oblivious Americans are to what is going on in the world around them!

okay with that said, I just want to test one thing...all of you who think you are superior because you are not American, answer me this:
-What is the only city in the world under constant daily missile attack and where is it located?  The residents of this city are fifteen seconds to head for a bomb shelter when the Red Siren goes off before the missile hits.  Over 200 families live in unsecure houses (houses without shelter) and do not live fifteen seconds from a shelter and when the siren goes off have to pray for their lives!

[ Last edited by imarielle626 at 6-22-2008 22:54 ]


Reply 278#278 waterlilybarb's post

yes you are right.  It is Sderot.  It was probably obvious that I was talking about a place in Israel since well it's me, but after visiting Sderot and hearing experiences from my friends who happen to be there on a not so good day, it bothers me so much that no one really knows how much this city needs help and no one is doing anything about it (not even the Israeli government!)


it is very unsettling!  If you wish to learn a bit more about the situation in Sderot and how to help, you can visit the Sderot Media Center's website.  It is an organization created to try and spread the word about what is happening there through the media.  They have videos, photos, and news articles.
Sderot Media Center


wow the things people will do!  Bala you always find the most random but interesting things online!

fun facts on the topic of world records:  Israel set two world records this past year (both in honor of her 60th birthday).  One I had the honor of participating in, and the other I saw.  The first was having the most amount of people singing the national anthem at the same time.  The other is the world's largest flag.  My little cousins also participating in breaking the world record for most number of people dancing Head Shoulders Knees and Toes for five minutes.


The only way that is really possible is if she had layers of costumes on.  11 in a minute just doesn't seem physically possible.

And I have to agree with is a stereotype that it takes women a long time to get ready.  Yeah I can take my time getting ready and span it out over a time period of hours, but I can also get ready in about 15 minutes (and did so the other night before going out to the clubs).  I also know many men who take longer than women to get ready.  One of my guy friends takes about an hour to get ready to go out at night...we were always waiting for him!  He has to straighten his hair and make sure it is perfect...he is more anal about his hair than most girls I know! (and no he is not gay...that's a common stereotype too)

