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The Gentleman's(and not so) Club

Reply 476#476 bala's post

Here's a care package to help you feel better.

Some throat lozenges to help with the cough:                       Some tissues for the sneezing:
A bowl of chicken soup, 'cause it never hurts:                          And the most masculine looking mug of tea I could find, to help keep you hydrated:

Feel better.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 478#478 bala's post

Even if it doesn't stop you, a cold can make you feel pretty miserable.  If it is a bug, be aware when you're out and about too.  Sneeze into your elbow or a tissue rather than your hand - it helps in stopping you spread it to those who may not have strong immune systems, like older people, babies or those who can get around but have chronic issues like asthma.  And, of course, wash your hands frequently.

As someone with a compromised immune system, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it when I see people making an effort to not spread their germs, as it takes me weeks to get over something it may take you days to recover from.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 480#480 bala's post

Everyone needs to be made a fuss over every once in a while.  It's what Mum's fo when their kids are sick, no matter how old they get.  I remember my Gran making soup to bring to my uncle when he had a cold or flu, and she did a lot to help my Mum when she was very ill some years ago.  It made my Gran feel needed, so let your Mum make a little fuss.  There will come a time when she won't be able to, or won't be around, and you'll think fondly of much she cared.

It IS better not to go out if you have a virus, but I know sometimes it's necessary.  I've learned those handy tips from others over the years, and am happy to pass them along.  Another good one I picked up from a nurse friend of mine (he's a man) - he doesn't shake hands during cold & flu season, and he just comes right out & tells people.  Since he does it in a nice way, no one gets offended, and it helps keep him from catching anything.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 482#482 bala's post

A lot of people are like that.  It just takes practice.

I was thinking about having to go out to the store or run errands (post office, appointment, etc) where there are others around.  It's crowded areas that get viruses spread to so many people.  I catch a lot because my neighbour has a little girl who is in school.  I don't always remember to wash my hands when I come back in from checking the mail, since I've only gone up & down the stairs. Touching the handrail is the most likely way I catch whatever she's been in contact with, even when she doesn't catch the bug herself.  I love kids, but they DO carry all kinds of germs - especially when they are school age.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 486#486 casper27's post

Very cool Craig!  New gadgets are always fun, but even more so when they're free.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 493#493 bala's post

Glad to hear you're feeling better.

Craig, I hear ya'.  Whenever I do a course or go to a lecture, my brain feels like it's on overload.  I'm really out of practice at cramming it full of info like when I was a student.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 511#511 codebreaker's post

My brother has a blu-ray player and an HDTV & I watched the newest Star Trek movie on it.  I had already seen it, so I was interested in comparing.  For big films with SFX, blu-ray IS better, but not enough for me to get one.  

I think it all depends on what you're looking for or expecting.  As a child of the '70s, regular TV is fine by me - I actually don't really like most HD.  I still use my VCR as I have a LOT of VHS movies, and regular DVDs.  My TV is pretty basic, so new tech is wasted on me here.  I'd have to upgrade everything -which is NOT in the budget.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 520#520 casper27's post

My brother only has one (blu-ray) because it's part of his game system.  I'm not super crazy about 3D movies to begin with, so I don't think I'd want 3D TV.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 529#529 bala's post

You change your clocks this weekend?  Ours don't change until November 7th.  Here, if we don't change back, it's too dark in the morning in the winter.  Unfortunately, we wind up with the sun going down around 5:30 or 6:00pm, but that's better than the kids having to walk to school in the dark.  There are pros & cons to it, but it was originally set up so farmers would have more daylight at better hours.  Now, there are fewer farmers.  I know Nevada doesn't so DST, so they never change their clocks, and it works alright for them - though they are MUCH further south.  We have little enough daylight in the winter as it is, so having it when it's most practical makes sense to me.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 538#538 shinny's post

So we'll be 6 hours time difference for a week. Seems like every year it gets later here.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 539#539 waterlilybarb's post

Apparently, the clocks DID change here last night - DESPITE the fact the news said it changed November 7th.  Even my PC said DST ended Nov. 7. Annoying - I hate being an hour off.

EDIT:  I'm SUCH a dolt!  Our clocks don't change until next week, but some of my machines are older & go by the old schedule (we switched when DST ended a few years ago). :L  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 542#542 casper27's post

Glad I could give you a laugh Craig.   It's a good thing I'm not easily I had my FB status questioning why the time changed & no one told me.   
You have NO idea how confused I was.  We're still battling some mighty winds here (which have the barometer in an tizzy), which have caused me to have vertigo most of the week, plus the cold air has my sinuses all stuffed up, AND I have a migraine lurking, just waiting to blow.  You can imagine my head isn't feeling so swell, and my brain is just not working at full capacity.  I'm trying to bypass the meds today, but I may have to cave.  They just make me feel pukey.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 545#545 casper27's post

Which 3 Craig?  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 552#552 casper27's post

I don't really enjoy fishing, but my brother does.  I can bait my own hook though.   Around here you can't really eat the fish you catch, so it's less satisfying.  When I used to go fishing (reluctantly) up north, the dish was edible & delicious.  I rarely caught anything big enough to keep though. lol  My 1st roommate loved fishing.  She & her Dad would go together.  I think she still does - with her hubby & kids.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 557#557 casper27's post

Yes Craig.  The fish in the local river is so polluted - some of them have tumours - quite gross.  It's so industrial around here, that even though there have been good changes made, the effects of dumping the pollutants into the river all those years will take years to correct itself.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 660#660 bala's post

Good lord, that IS lazy!  Unless there is something wrong with your legs, there's no reason you shouldn't go downstairs.

You most definitely need to find something productive to do.  Your parents need to kick your butt.  It doesn't matter that you're grown - there is no excuse for anyone in good health to be so idle.  Try & think of things you could do around the house to make things easier for your parents.  I think they've done their turn in doing things for you, and no one's getting any younger.  Start small - you don't want to strain yourself.   But small goals help motivate you (or anyone) to larger goals.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 669#669 casper27's post

My status updates on FB would seem weird to people who don't know me well, but I often use them to let my friends know how I'm doing health-wise that day.  It let's them know if it's a good day to phone or not (migraine days are NOT), or, if I get a virus (which is frequent), it let's them know why they haven't heard from me - especially when I lose my voice.  It also lets them know if I'm out doing errands, since I live alone & with being ill so often, some of my friends get concerned when they can't get a hold of me.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 766#766 bala's post

Originally posted by sanggye at 5-30-2011 14:12  
one employer tell me, "Self-employment is just another word for unemployment."  Might have to Incorporate
How rude!  I know a lot of self-employed people, and they generally work longer and harder than those working for someone else, especially when that is their sole source of income.  

The others are right, Bala.  I've been out of the job market for at least 6 years now, but haven't been completely idle.  I'm ever hopeful that I'll be able to return to even occasional work at some point.  My resume isn't fantastic, but by including volunteer work and skills I've picked up (not always from a job), I've gotten most jobs I have applied for over the years.  It helps to be personable, as many will hire someone with less experience but easy to work with over someone who has more qualifications but comes across poorly in the interview for jobs that don't require all that experience.  Even now, though I'm not in a position to take any job, I get offers of work because of my demeanor.  I have a friend who has had the same experience - she gets offered work all the time just when she's out doing errands, even though she isn't currently looking.  You'd be amazed at how true the statement is: "You only get one chance to make a first impression".
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 782#782 bala's post

As you gain more experience at interviewing, it should become easier, and you should be able to learn to control that.  I was almost phobic of speaking to anyone I didn't know when I was younger, but my Mum would make me practice by asking for assistance in shops (even if I didn't really need it) and other things like that.  It really helped me get over my nervousness and my body language eventually caught up.  Sometimes you've just got to fake it until it becomes natural.  Takes time & effort, but is worth it in the long run.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 785#785 bala's post

Just looked it up - very nice indeed.  I hope you have many enjoyable hours on it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

