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List of Cancelled or Ended Series

Inconsiderate Cancellations

Possibly my biggest pet-peeve in television is when a network produces a program with some intruiging plot, and then for one reason or another abruptly cancels that program without providing an adequate conclusion. This list contains more than one example of this type of iconsiderate behavior. For instance, Journeyman had a provocative, mindbending plot about a normal guy who suddenly begins to time-travel to set certain past events "right"--a la Quantum Leap. However, unlike Quantum Leap, the reason for the main character's time-travel wasn't initially explained--though it would eventually and gradually be revealed in the progress of the program. Unfortunately, Journeyman became one of the many victims of the Writers' Strike and was surrepticiously cancelled. No answers, no conclusions, no satisfaction! I don't blame NBC-Universal for the cancellation itself--I know they have good reasons for these things, and afterall, they ARE a business whose primary goal is to make money. HOWEVER, couldn't they cough up enough cash to produce a final episode which would somehow wrap up the series and at least give some sort of pay-off to the viewers who'd invested several hours into supporting the show and its advertisers? ABC attempted this with its final airing of Jericho earlier this year, but it seemed to be s a half-hearted attempt at best. But I will applaud the effort nonetheless! I simply wish more networks would consider the fans of these shows and make a bit of an effort to at least provide them with some sort of satisfaction. BTW, Bravo to Joss Whedon and gang for giving EXACTLY the sort of satisfying ending to the Firefly series of which I speak and for going the extra mile by getting the finale released in movie theaters!! Now THAT is fan-appreciation! [ Last edited by allenfrisch at 8-7-2008 06:45 ]

