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The Secret Life of the American Teenager Season 1-5 General Discussion (Spoilers

I've seen some commercials.  It looks like a good show.  I don't think I'll be watching it though.  I don't have time to pick up a new show until i have fully caught up with all the shows I fell behind on.


so i was surfing imdb as I occasionally do when I am bored and came across this little piece of information...the girl who plays Amy in this show also played the original Kaitlin Cooper on The O.C.  I did not even recognize her!


okay so I really don't like this show, but there is something about it that keeps me coming back to it each week.  I think the show would be better if they didn't try to make it a public service announcement.  It bothers me how fake it is!  I know it was created to be that family show that opens up questions for parents to talk to their kids about, but high school isn't really like that!  I'm just waiting to see her parents reaction when they find out!


Reply 25#25 bala's post

I agree!  It's like they have to balance the pregnancy out with something so they chose to throw in Grace's character.

okay so there is nothing else to do on a tuesday night so i'm still watching...
***WARNING***  may contain spoilers

1. how does the school's guidance counsel know EVERYTHING???  seriously just not realistic!
2. when Ben proposed I was in shock!  I mean really they pulled that in!?!?!  That just crossed some line!
3. could Amy's life get any worse???
4. the only thing about this show that is remotely like high school is how word travel through school at the speed of light!

I know the point of the show is to raise all the points for parents to talk to their kids about and it does do that, but i feel like they could have do a little better job at making it a bit more realistic


Reply 28#28 bala's post

yeah it airs tuesday night at 8 EST


okay let me see if I caught on to this right...
Amy's father's ex-wife is Grace's mom.  Amy's father is now cheating on his wife with Adrian's mom.
Umm could they connect the characters any more?


Reply 40#40 bala's post

i thought next week is the finale


I thought Secret Life was getting better, than this episode aired.  What was up with that random scene with Ricky and Shawn Johnson?  And why is a show that is supposed to warn kids about sex suddenly become all about sex?  They did leave on a cliffhanger so I would like to see more of it.  I'd like to see what comes of Ricky and Grace and what will happen with Amy's parents.

