24 12
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Real Player is Driving Me Nuts - Ideas?

Well, I've tried a couple of older versions of RP, and they also have no sound, even playing other things, like CDs and what not. Of course, they won't play the downloaded shows from vip.tv-video.net, because older versions of RP have to be updated in order to read the files. But now I'm wondering if there's a sound setting somewhere in Vista that I don't know about that won't give audio or audio privileges to RP. Anyone know?


Reply 21#21 mnmbusch's post

Do any of the free shows work with sound in the pop up screen


Thank you to everyone who responded. Apparently, contrary to my previous statement, I AM an idiot. Thanks to silver1978 for pointing this out to me. It's partly a small change with Vista: with XP you double click on the speaker icon next to the clock; with Vista you right click on the speaker icon, and go to "Open Volume Mixer." On mine, there was a slide bar, which I hadn't previously noticed, and all the way to the right was a separate slider to control the volume for RP, which was, of course, muted. Hence why all the other audio on my computer worked, just not the audio for RP. Hope this helps anyone else who has the problem. And sorry for wasting your time.


Reply 23#23 mnmbusch's post

Never a waste of time to help people out. Glad you got it solved. Happy viewing!
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


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