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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 77#77 studiojek's post

I think this really IS uncharted territory for her and I think it is tricky because all her life she probably only fell in love with men and now there is Erica and it is all weird......... time really will tell- so far they're holding up ok. Last week Bailey's look, this week the look on Mark's face..... it makes for a good storyline.


and come to think of it- a killer storyline: Callie discovers she's having a baby, Mark is the dad and Erica wants to be Mom #2. Oh my. I wonder if they also thought about that.


Reply 80#80 themegababe's post

I think a factor that played heavily into Mer's disappointment wasn't that he did not thank her- it was her own expectations fuelled by reading her mother's diary. She is so desperately trying to fill her mother's shoes that I think she constantly keeps comparing herself to her mother and of course the diary had to make her think. There already IS a Grey method her mother invented. Now there's the Shepherd method. But where is her place. It is hard because she of course has a lot to learn and she is only a second year. And while she is on the same level as Derek in the relationship- once they are at SGH things are different and he is so much more experienced. How many years is he older anyway? I guess about 10-15, right? Can't be easy for him either to finally get the woman he loves and in order to live with her he has to do the "students share a house together" thing all over again when I think he'd rather build that house on the hill and live there with only Meredith and maybe kids. In the hospital he's their superior and now they knock on his door when he only has one cushion very strategically placed. I doubt you should see your boss that way.


Originally posted by Teachergirl at 10-25-2008 21:44  
and come to think of it- a killer storyline: Callie discovers she's having a baby, Mark is the dad and Erica wants to be Mom #2. Oh my. I wonder if they also thought about that.
That would be an excellent story-line but unless i'm mistaken she hasn't been with mark for months?.


Reply 84#84 bala's post

Who knows where things, um, led to this last time around though! That certainly would be a crazy storyline!!! Haha!

Teachergirl - I think your analysis was right on, it wasn't so much her wanting her name in the title of the method but not really knowing how she's going to make her own way, having two very big shadows over her: her mother and Derek. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out. And it's obvious she really does need to start to get back into therapy!


Reply 84#84 bala's post

Maybe she'll need another lesson or two- or runs to him after a fight with Erica. It is not impossible. Should I send Shonda and Betsy an email? ;-)


Reply 85#85 studiojek's post

She's nowhere near being done with therapy I think. Finding the diaries alone has offset her again and I think this is exactly what the writers meant when they said MerDer will be together but the problems are not over with. I think just being in a more or less normal relationship is hard enough for Meredith with abandonment issues and all that "be extraordinary" stuff from her mother. Seriously, that SHG shrink? She could fill her entire day not seeing any patients- just the doctors!


Reply 87#87 Teachergirl's post

Just seeing Meredith really!!

Definitely send a letter to Shonda, I think she'd accept new ideas considering how badly the season seemed to end last year


Reply 88#88 studiojek's post

LOL, if only the fans could direct and script an episode per season. LOL Or they could have a poll! ;-)

As for the shrink- yes, Meredith would be a lifelong project.


Reply 89#89 Teachergirl's post

Question will she stay through the time?


New doctor is Evil


Reply 90#90 bala's post

If Mer was her only patient she'd go crazy herself in no time at all.


Reply 91#91 bala's post

That is going to be very, very interesting. Bring on the gore!!!!!!


Grey´s Anatomy 5x06

Wow the new doctor live tissue teaching example was cool, i mean live pigs . As to the case removing most of human organ together get rid of tumour inoperative was a crazy situation.

i love message at start no animal were hurt in this episode


Wow the beginning part (no animals were harmed...) made me think, uh weird.  then Oh my GOSH!! haha

I love the Alex and Izzie are going steady. That makes me happy. And Mer is starting to have a real relationship with Derek. Wonderful!  

All in all, a lot of the old vibe was back and I loved the episode!


Reply 95#95 themegababe's post

i was shocked at when izzy realise alex wanted to go stedy the look on her face said it all


Promo for next episode


Ok, in the last episode when Callie ran to Sloane for some tutoring.... I already thought she was not really sure about the whole thing. This episode... when Erica was so passionate, opened up SO much- it was moving. But the look on Callies face- she was ready to flee! And that she did- to Sloane. I must say, he may be a man whore but what he told her, about confronting Erica with the fact she slept with Mark? That was a good thing to say and it was also the right thing- even though teh look on Erica's face.... that "OK" we heard- I think she is so not ok with it but I also think that Callie is very confused.
(as an aside- now we have everything set up for a potential pregnancy, she did want a child with George, just saying)
Mer/Der- Anatomy Jane was interesting, liked the twist and I did like how Bailey gave her credit and also how Mer confronted the Chief. But remember all the fuss and disturbance over finding one diary of her mother? A whole new box turns up and I think Dereks face already gave away that he expects a whole lotta new drama.
At first I thought that Bailey's emotional reaction and attachment (knowing the name of all the family members and all that) wasn't "being the chief" at all. I thought it was too emotional. But then when that father paged the chief to tell him to care? I think the Chief in a way got the answer he was looking for- how to change something about SGH. He seemed so lost and puzzled the last couple of episodes. And he is facing the reality that he too is partly to blame for how screwed up the situation with Mer's mother was and for Mer to be the reminder of his failure- well, in a way, yes, I think he gets some credit for screwing up Mer's life after all.
Izzie and Alex- wow. It was sweet and I like them together. It was also interesting to watch Alex around the new doc. His look of appreciation.... this is a doctor who serves as a good role model for Alex.
And the new doc/Christina. Well. Classic Christina to run as quickly as she could and then use Lexie as a human shield. Only to be coaxed to jump to the front line. I was glad that no real animals were used in the MAKING of the episode. But nevertheless it was       a powerful nudge to ponder the use of animals in medicine in real life. It really made me think. And I did expect Izzie, doe surgeon, to walk out. I liked the way the new doc reasoned with her. It was an interesting juxtaposition to show the fight for the life of the little girl and the fight for the lives of the pigs. One thing is true- Christina learnt just as much, if not more, working with the pigs than working in the OR on that other surgery. She whacked chicken apart and sewed them back together but yet.... as strong as she always seems to be- seeing her struggle with the reality that she had to put the pigs out of their misery? She's not superwoman. She's human.
The new doc was interesting- his interaction with the pretty boys of SGH.... his pushing Karev, his way of not reckognizing Chrstina and the way he revealed why that was? It definitely made this episode into a really good one. Food for thought, intense moments, joys, fears- all in all I found it to be a pretty emotional episode. Erica's revelation, the new doc explaining why he lives a new life, Christina's reaction to the pigs, the chief admitting to failure....
And with the promo for next week and Izzie having to face the Denny thing all over again? I have a feeling that this season is already better than the last one. It may not be the best season of all since the early ones are hard to beat. But I believe that yes, it is better than the previous one.
I wonder what Alex will feel like when she goes through the Denny thing again. The moment when he carried her out in that ball gown- it is going to come all back and I wonder what it will do to their new relationship.


Reply 98#98 Teachergirl's post

Wow that lot to read but the doctor made about human testing and look on interns face when stabbed the pig i feel bad christina after spending so much time trying to save the pigs she had put them down and i think first time we seen a human side to her character usually she very aggressive towards people.


When new doc stabbed the pigs- wow. I really flinched even though I KNEW they were not real. And yes, her human side is definitely showing at the moment- and I really like it. Sandra Oh can really put a lot into the way she looks and portrays the character. It was really interesting to watch.

