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The Big Bang Theory Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

3x21 The Plimpton Stimulation

Rajesh and Howard with Elizabeth and his line she want new delhi not kosher delhi was funny


3x22 The Staircase Implementation

Leonard tells Penny about how he met Sheldon for the first time but who would of thought that Leonard was responsible for breaking the lift seven years ago


3x23 The Lunar Excitation

Penny being drunk and using Leonard for sex but when Leonard tried it on with Penny it was funny


Reply 2#2 sanggye's post

Trust Howard to use the Robot hand for that but waiting nearly half an hour for it to unpack the food was crazy and Sheldon calculating Penny's partners was funny especially the look on her face


Reply 5#5 waterlilybarb's post

I'm impressed that Penny knew what cybernetics means and I'm not surprised Sheldon was in pain after eating the sprouts


I liked how clinical the break up was but Sheldon's mother trying to fix his cat addiction was funny


4x04 The Hot Troll Deviation

Howard and Bernadette in the car taking kissing prompts from Katee Sackhoff and George Takei was funny


4x05 The Desperation Emanation

Sheldon meeting Amy mother over the Internet was funny and Leonard date Joy was disastrous so why he's got a second date is beyond me but he better watch his nuts


4x06 The Irish Pub Formulation

Leonard trying to sneak Priya in and out of their apartment was funny and why is something your enjoying until you know whats in it makes you feel sick mind you mango caterpillar sounds disgusting


Reply 19#19 arksongbird80's post

Sheldon trying to keep quiet at lunch about letting slip about the the mars rover incident and his dream was funny and i didn't think Sheldon giving up his spot on the settee would last long, Penny winning the bet was great


Reply 22#22 sanggye's post

Wil Wheaton twitter to Sheldon and Penny's prank phone call was funny but Amy at the slumber party was crazy


Reply 25#25 sanggye's post

I'm not surprised that Leonard made the most of the situation when Penny asked him to lie to her father about their relationship


Rajesh and Howard trying to prove who would be the better superhero and sidekick was amusing


4x11 The Justice League Recombination

The guys making fun of Zack was amusing and thanks to Penny they won when they enter a costume contest as the Justice League


4x12 The Bus Pants Utilization

Seriously who would want Leonard's idea for a smart phone app and Penny's plan to get Sheldon back on the team was funny


Reply 47#47 sanggye's post

I thought the bed hopping was funny and I'm not surprised that Penny left with Glenn


Reply 51#51 sanggye's post

Sheldon changing the password for their wifi because of Penny was amusing and Raj fantasizing about Bernadette was funny considering he is shy around women


4x15 The Benefactor Factor

Mrs. Latham kissing Leonard was amusing but when he came home in the morning Penny's face was priceless


4x16 The Cohabitation Formulation

The way Sheldon explained to Priya about Penny and Leonard's past relationship was amusing but Howard moving in with Bernadette would never last when he started to treat her like his mother


Reply 60#60 sanggye's post

Amy naming her toothbrush is disturbing and trying to get Penny one is creepy

