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Castle Season 1-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Castle Season 1-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

To discuss the first season of Castle

[ Last edited by spratt89 at 9-5-2015 15:22 ]


Episode 1 (Pilot)

I have to say that this was a great pilot. They started out to get the attention of the viewer and they certainly did that. You just really want to dislike Castle, but you can't really. I actually didn't think I was going to like Nathan Fillion as a leading man but I do.


Episodes 2 and 3

I wasn't as crazy about episode 2. I'm not entirely sure why, but it was definitely not as good as the Pilot. However, by episode 3 it had that little sparkle back so I'm really looking forward to episode 4 now.

I like the relationship between Castle and his daughter. You have to wonder who is the Parent and who is the child


Episdoe 5

I think this was possibly my favourite episode so far. I really liked the interactions between Castle and Beckette. He clearly cares a lot about her because he wants to help her find out who killed her mother, although you just know she's going to be really annoyed with him, initially!!

The scene at Castle's apartment was just hilarious. He's like a big kid !!

Episode 6

I thought it was hilarious when they were all in the warehouse and wearing their bullet proof vests; They all had "police" on theirs and Castle had "Writer"


Just got to watch the season finale (and it was the finale, btw) - the ending was great. Just as it seems beckett is starting to like castle, this could ruin everything. I guess how it will play out is that initially she will be mad as hell but once it leads to her mother's murderer, she will be grateful to him.

The scenes with Castle and his daughter were so sweet. He didn't want her to grow up because he was afraid of losing her, but then she reassured him. You do wonder who is the parent and who is the child here, lol.

I can't wait for this to be back !!


Reply 73#73 sanggye's post

Yeh, they were good fun. I suppose when Stephen J. Cannell died last year they decided to drop that out of respect to him.


Great Finale. Did not see that about the Captain!

I'd say she's wounded but no way she's dead. She had blood on her which usually (I say like I know, haha) doesn't happen when wearing a bullet proof vest. You might get badly bruised or have a broken rib, but not actually break skin so not sure why there would be blood if she was wearing one.

About time one of them said it! It's so obvious they love each other!!

