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CSI Season 7-15 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

this is the first original-language episode that we've seen (i know, i know, we're soooo behind but we couldn't resist when we saw the quiz that sara was leaving) and sara's voice is 100x better in english (although all the boys have worse voices!) it makes her much warmer and that made her goodbye letter so much harder. oh, and we totally agree, we love to hate hodges

it was better that she didn't "conquer" hannah. that would have been too hollywood and neat. the whole point of her leaving is that life isn't neat and sometimes it threatens to eat us alive. for all the horrid little brat that was hannah, the punishment of having killed (albeit indirectly) the only person who, as her family, had to love her is much worse than losing control of the situation and going to jail. no matter what pain sara is in, she could not have rejoiced in that moment but maybe it was some relief to her to see that she was not the only one whose whole world had become unhinged.

ay ya, we have so much to catch up on. and we are totally NOT into grissom without a beard!
Recent Ratings
  • trulee Points +3 Great post - come again 11-18-2007 06:39
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


so cruel! we can't read this post yet because we just started the season after catching up on csi: ny (our favorite) and trying to get back into csi: miami (our least favorite and only lasted an episode because the voices are SO HORRIBLE in the original we tried it first though because we saw it more recently than csi: vegas). my husband went to high school with the guy who makes the models for the miniature killer - what a career, no?!

whew, the voices were all fine and we had to watch two episodes in a row. i totally remember why we got hooked in the first place! we'll probably be caught up quickly so i'll be able to read the thread soon. can't wait
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me

