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Heroes Season 3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 2#2 shinny's post

I liked the flashback scenes too.  They filled in some information that we've been missing.

I also have to wonder about how no one has sussed that Nathan has an ability yet too.  For us, the audience, it's painfully obvious, but you'd think that someone would have guessed, especially after Tracy's - "You're one of us" spiel last(?) week.

Sorry I haven't posted more, but I'm still sick with the flu and can't think very clearly.  I love to hear what others think though - so anyone else...feel free to add to the discussion.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


3x18 - "Exposed" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Here's the thread for tonight's episode.  Come on people - tell us what you think.  I'll start going a bit crazy if I keep having the conversations with myself.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3#3 roca's post

I can't stand Danko either, though I really like Ċ½eljko Ivanek.  He's such a versatile actor - and he is certainly believable as the Hunter.

We were lead to believe that Doyle was dead.  I wonder why he's the one they brought back?  And Rebel told him Claire would help him?  Now I'm REALLY curious as to who Rebel is.  Why on earth would Claire want to help that psychopath?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 5#5 roca's post

I think it's either Hana or Drucker...both were in cyberspace - though they were supposed to have been "killed" by Elle.  But you never know on Heroes.  I don't think it's Micah.  He's too young - but if he's somehow involved, that would be good because I like that kid.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


3x19 - "Shades of Gray" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Here's the thread for tonight's episode.  Have at it once you watch.  I love to know what others are thinking.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



No new episode next week.

Now, this week's episode:

Is Nathan Rebel?  From this episode it seems so, but how did he get so computer savvy - or is he working with someone else?  And if he is, why would he have Claire help Doyle?

Sylar finally met his father, and he turned out to be a frail, pitiful excuse for a human being.  It seemed to make Sylar even more desirous of continuing to kill others though.  The poor bunny.

Danko finally twigged that Nathan had an ability - and was looking back at Tracy's tape.  It's about time!  That was getting annoying.

Claire at the comic book shop - hilarious.  All the nerds couldn't take their eyes off her.  No wonder she got hired.

Oh...and I wonder if the baby is Parkman's from his ex-wife?  I figure he must be, but I found it strange that she would name the kid after the guy she left.  Hiro & Ando's adventures in baby-sitting have begun. lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 5#5 bala's post

I think Micah's too young...though I'd love to see him back.  I think I mentioned it already, but I think it's either Hana (aka Wireless) or Drucker.  They're both supposed to be dead but maybe they found a way to integrate themselves into some other program prior to being disintegrated by Elle.

Another theory - Ali Larter could have another incarnation.  Dr. Zimmerman said there were 3 - and the 3rd was named Barbara.  Maybe she is helping Micah, or maybe she is Rebel.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 9#9 bala's post

I know, but that won't be next week.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 11#11 bala's post

I don't watch that many shows, so I hate it when the ones I do watch don't have new episodes.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 13#13 bala's post

I missed Castle.  The ABC website said it's re-airing the premiere on Saturday, so I'll check it out.  I like Nathan Fillion and have heard some good things about the show.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 16#16 bala's post

I'd LOVE it if he was on one of my favourite shows!  He did do one episode of Lost (not nough for my liking) so it would be neat if they could find a good role for him on Heroes.

p.s. He's Canadian.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


3x20 - "Cold Snap" Discussion **POSSIBLE SPOILERS**

Here we go again.  A new episode airs tonight and here's the thread in which to chat about it.  Hopefully some answers will be had this week, as opposed to only more questions.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3#3 bala's post

Good on ya'!  I really didn't think Rebel was going to be Micah, but you guessed it from the start.  It was a good episode.  Wasn't it a little creepy when Tracy's eye blinked after she shattered into thousands of pieces?

Reply 2#2 codebreaker's post
I really don't think Niki's coming back, because she's dead.  I think if Ali Larter is still going to be on the show (which I'm pretty sure she is) they will introduce the third sister, Barbara.  I wonder what her ability will be?

I'm also curious as to what Danko did so that he was immune to Tracy's freezing.  I'm glad she had enough of a conscious left to help Micah get away though.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 5#5 roca's post

That makes sense as to why they weren't affected.  Thanks.

I thought the same thing about Peter, but then I remembered him consciously absorbing any powers he has gained since his change, so maybe he can choose when to take a different power.  Just a theory.

I was hoping for Hana or Drucker as Rebel, but it was great to see Micah.  I couldn't believe how much older he seems now too.  That kid had a major growth spurt!

No idea why Sylar would help Danko, but I'm not sorry that he gave him Doyle.  He's so creepy, and has been a real baddie.

I was bummed that Daphne died too, though I loved the images Matt gave her.  Much more peaceful than the life she's been leading.  Poor Matt though.  Wasn't Janice pregnant when they split up?  Well, yes, obviously, but did he know that?  I can't remember.  Baby Matt is an interesting kid.  I hope seeing his son will help him be able to move on.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 7#7 gabsimom's post

I was thinking the same thing, well at least that Peter could get his real power a true empathic mimic.  Maybe the kid's power will increase as he gets older.  He's already quite powerful, but as he gets bigger, he'll learn how to control it.

Like your theory on Sylar.  Highly plausible.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1#1 bala's post

Thank you Bala for starting this thread.  I forgot to do it yesterday, and though I recorded Heroes, haven't had a chance to watch it yet.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3#3 bala's post

No worries - I haven't actually read your comment yet.  I've gotten quite adept at avoiding spoilers.   Hopefully I'll be able to watch the episode this evening.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Finally got to watch this episode today.  Best one in a while.  Danko is one creepy dude!  And now with Sylar as his sidekick, he'll be even worse.  

It definitely seems to be mostly about the Petrelli clan, so I'll be curious to see who plays Angela's sister as well as if she has an ability, and what it is.  Nice to see Claire & Nathan getting along a bit better.  Now that he knows what it feels like to be a fugitive, he might be able to better understand how the others have felt and be a real good guy.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


3x22 - "Turn and Face the Strange" Discussion **Possible Spoilers**

New episode airs tonight.  Here's the spot to talk about it.  Catch ya'll after viewing.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 10#10 bala's post

Good scene, but I can see why it was deleted.  It didn't further the plot, but would have been a realistic reaction by the guys to getting hustled.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

